Welcome to The HOG Farm CSA!  

Thank you so much for joining our Community Supported Agriculture Farm Share! This handbook is designed to provide you with some of the details about our farm and your role as a CSA member.

What is the HOG CSA?

CSA stands for ​C​ommunity ​S​upported ​A​griculture. It is a unique agreement between a farmer and their members. Members pay each year, in the spring, for a weekly 'share' of farm grown produce. As a member of a CSA, you are joining with the farmers in both the risks (crop failure, disease, bad weather, weeds) and benefits (fresh and nutritious food, preserved open space, recipes, produce variety and a direct relationship with your farmers and community) associated with farming.Your share will vary from week to week.

By paying in advance for your vegetables you allow us to have a steadier income stream and money at the beginning of the season when we need it most. Your initial trust and support helps us to kickstart new building projects as well as necessary infrastructure repairs. It also allows us to purchase seed, tools and soil amendments. In return our members will receive fresh, local, nutrient dense produce that is grown with both an ecological and humanitarian consciousness. So please join us and enjoy delicious vegetables while helping to preserve open space and native wild species in Brookhaven Hamlet!

Market Diversity

Just as we grow a wide variety of vegetables, over the years we have grown in our diversity of markets.In addition to the CSA, the farm fields grow food for a number of health food stores, restaurants, and our own farm stand. This diversity of venues for our produce allows us to keep the cost of the CSA low, while also providing flexibility for community members who want to eat fresh, local produce, but may not want to commit to a CSA share.The HOG is truly a community supported farm and we do our best to support the community by hosting lots of potlucks, dinners, volunteer workdays, and seasonal festivals.

What you can expect from the HOG Farm:

  • Ultra-fresh food, with maximum flavor, vitamins and mineral benefits

  • Exposure to new vegetables and ways of cooking

  • A relationship with the land and the farmers who grow your vegetables

  • An opportunity to learn about horticulture and biodynamic farming practices, beekeeping, food preservation and seasonal produce availability here on Long Island!

  • Meet other like minded members who value fresh produce as much as you do, and share in a community of people devoted to preserving the land and local farming practices.

 Will my CSA share meet all my produce needs?

Depending on the size of your family and how much you cook, you may find that you need to supplement even more fruits or vegetables.We encourage you to still buy local, ecologically grown produce! We have a weekly farm stand which can be used to supplement your already bountiful share! *CSA members get a 10% discount at our on-site Farm Stand!

The H.O.G. Farm Stand Hours:​ MWF 3:30-6:30(TBA) and Sat 9am-1pm (May-Nov)

Additional Add-on options:

Pick Your Own Access:​ ​Weekly access to our seasonally available selection of pick your own crops. Seasonal variety includes bouquet quality flowers, herbs, sugar snap peas, strawberries, beach plums, green beans, cherry tomatoes and hot peppers!
How does Pick-Your-Own (PYO) work?​ ​In our newsletter each week we will include a list of pick-your-own items, and any limits to how much you can take.You may come to the farm ​once per week​ to pick-your-own.There will always be a chalkboard at the farm with a map and list of PYO items and limits. Items are clearly marked in the fields along with pint or quart containers to harvest into.We encourage you to bring your own bag or basket to transfer your harvest into. For flowers, we suggest bringing your own scissors and some water to keep them fresh. ​If you can't find something, please ask!​ Always put any tools away where you found them so we don't run them over with the tractor in the field. *​Please always leave gates as you found them​. If a gate is open, please leave it open. If a gate is closed, please close it behind you. Deer can, and do, get into the fields and it’s often stressful, on the animal and humans, getting them out!

Briermere Farm Fruit Share:​ ​All members are welcome to add on a weekly pickup of fruit, ranging from peaches and nectarines to pears and apples, grown by our friends at Briermere Farms. Fruit Share pickups are 19 weeks starting in June. Pick up is at the same place and time as your CSA share. ​Briermere Farm​ is NOT certified organic however some of their crops, including raspberries, blueberries and blackberries are grown in a way which fulfills organic standards. Insecticides and fungicides are used only when needed to produce marketable fruit. The tree fruit is typically sprayed early in the season. No herbicides are used underneath the trees, and compost, made from the fruit tree leaves, is used as the fertilizer/nutrient source for their fruit crops.

Acabonac Beef Share:​ ​Add on 4 pickups (once per month in June, July, August, and September) of Long Island pasture-raised beef. Each pickup includes 2 filet mignon, 2 sirloin steaks, 4 pounds ground beef, and 4 burger patties!

When and Where do I pick up my share?

At the Farm:​ MWF 3:30-6:30 or Sat 9am-1pm
The entrance is an unpaved driveway at 319 Beaver Dam Rd. Look for our beautiful sign on the North side of Beaverdam Rd. *Please note this driveway is only wide enough for one car at a time; be courteous to other members.

Selden:​ Monday 3:30-6:30
The Selden pickup is located at 46 Mallard Street, Selden NY.
Your host is Lenny Whelan (631)696-8269
*Please note: This is a family home; Please respect the privacy and property of your hosts.

Bayshore:​ Wednesday (Tullulah’s Restaurant)
Tullulah’s Restaurant is located at 12 4th Ave, Bayshore, NY 11706 Pickup can be found along the restaurants outdoor patio. Hosts TBA

Can I change/switch my pickup day/location?

Members choose one day and location to pick up regularly. If you are unable to make it to the pick up, please send a neighbor or friend to pick up for you. ​Otherwise, for pickup changes, please be in touch with the farm via email at thehogfarmllc@gmail.com at least 24 hrs prior to your regular pickup time and/or your pickup change request time.​We can help you reschedule or offer another solution. Please respect the 24 hr notice as we will be harvesting your share the same morning of pickup. However we understand that things happen and so if you cannot get in touch with us 24 hrs in advance send us a message anyway and we will try to work something out.If you completely miss a pickup, and do not notify us about rescheduling options, ​your share will either be reutilized thanks to our new walk-in cooler, donated to a local food pantry, fed to the chickens, or added to our compost pile. Nothing is wasted at the farm!

How do I contact farmers?

All CSA pertinent questions, schedule changes, etc should be sent to Michelle at csa@thehogfarm.org. You can also send general inquiries to the farm office at ​thehogfarmllc@gmail.com​ but expect a longer response time! We usually return messages within 24 to 48 hours.

How does the pickup work?

When you arrive at the farm, you'll see the pickup coordinator first—he or she will check your name off the list and direct you to the blackboard which lists items and quantities in the share for the week. Simply go around the tables, taking the items listed in the correct amounts. There are scales available for items that need to be weighed. Remember, we harvest only as much produce as we need for that day. Please be accurate when weighing your share. ​Do not take extra​ of an item because you really like it, or it looks small! If you do, there won't be enough left for people at the end.

*Please bring your own bags or baskets to carry your share home​. We are a plastic-bag-free farm. Please do not drop off plastic bags at the farm, you can take them to the grocery store to be recycled! Please bring reusable bags or baskets.

Is the food in our share already cleaned?

We rinse produce after harvesting to cool it down. We recommend giving everything another wash once you get it home. Don’t be surprised to find root vegetables like potatoes and carrots have some beautiful HOG soil still clinging to them! Due to their delicate nature, tomatoes and berries are often not rinsed after harvesting.

What if I don't like or recognize something?

We encourage you to try it again, you may be surprised at how different fresh, seasonal produce tastes compared to what you may know from the store.We also encourage you to ask about recipes or cooking methods as most of the farmers and members are enthusiastic cooks! There will be recipe suggestions provided in your weekly newsletter as well!

Also feel free, ​after having picked up your share​, to try bartering with fellow members or ask a staff member about swapping equal valued items with what we have stocked at the farm stand. For any allergies or dietary restrictions please email us directly and we will do our best to provide you with options!

What is the HOG Newsletter?

Each week we send out an update letting you know what’s going on at the farm including a list of what's in the share that week, pick-your-own availability and limits, work hour possibilities, and a calendar of events. In order to eliminate paper waste, ​we only send the newsletter out via email​.

Where can I park at the farm?

When you turn into the farm driveway, you will park on the right side, facing the fence. Look for Parking signs. PLEASE ​do not park on the left under the large pine tree ​- we are working to protect this beautiful old tree’s roots!​To visit the farm fields, park up front, and walk to the fields. It is a short 5 minute walk to the back fields. It is difficult to turn a car around up near the fields and walking makes the road safer for other HOG members and their children! If you have a mobility or health issue preventing you from walking please speak to the pick-up coordinator on duty.

Are there hazards on the farm?

YES! A farm can be a dangerous place, so we have a few rules to make it safer for everyone:

The Tractor Barn​—The ground floor of the tractor barn is full of tractors, implements, and old rusty metal items that we're sure to use someday. Please be careful if you are under there, seeking shade.The second floor is unfinished; ​no one is allowed on the second floor of the barn except employees.

The Tool Shed​—We keep gasoline, oil, organic pesticides, and tools in the shed, as well as sharp knives and clippers. It’s okay to go in to get tools or gloves, but ​never let kids in the shed unsupervised​.

The Chicken Coop​—Kids love chickens, but please ​do not open the door to the coop, or allow your child inside​!

Tractors​—Tractors and their implements can be tempting places to climb, but our rule is No Kids on Tractors​, whether they are running or not.

First Aid​—A first aid kit is kept in the Farm Shed and at the Pickup site/Pole Barn.

Can I bring my kids?

Kids are welcome at the farm, however they need to be supervised at all times! There are lots of dangers on a farm, including the tractor barn, rusty metal, tractors, trucks, gasoline, oil, and other potentially harmful items. Additionally, it’s easy for kids to step on seedlings and delicate plants.We encourage you to teach your children to respect and love the farm as much as we do!

Is there a bathroom at the farm?

There is a port-a-potty available in season.

Can I bring my dog(s) to the Farm?
Dogs are welcome but ​MUST stay on a leash and in control at all times​. ​Do NOT allow your dog to free-run at the farm at any time.​ Other members may not appreciate your pet, and some may be frightened or unintentionally injured by them. Please make sure you pick up after your pets – pet stools can contain parasites that can be harmful to humans!

How do I complete my work hours?

All members have the opportunity to work/volunteer in exchange for a refund. Members can receive a $100 refund in exchange for 15hrs of work. Work hours are due September 30t​ h.​ All refunds are issued in October and you may opt to have it carried over as a deposit for next season.

Always remember to ​record your hours on your note card, located in the work hour box next to the blackboard on the tool shed​. Kids are welcome to help you work, however they must be watched at all times. Only kids over the age of 13 can put in hours towards your refund.

Volunteer Field Work:​ To do field work please send us an email. You can work for as long or as short a time as you want. Typically during the week volunteers help with the harvest, weeding, planting, or other special projects. Please show up with an open mind and be ready to work. We recommend you bring sun protection, water, bug spray and work gloves.We provide the tools but ask that you always put tools back where you found them.

Potlucks/Dinners/Festivals and Events at The H.O.G. Farm

Each year the farmers work hard to plan a fun year of activities for farm members and the community at large. Some of these events are for members only, and some are open to the whole community. Many of these activities have costs that only cover the HOG’s expense to have the event others are designed to help the HOG raise money for improvements including adding new technology - “greener” ways of farming such as solar power and electric tractors; improving our irrigation; adding to the protection of our crops; adding more variety to the HOG offerings; and improving the farm facilities. Past fundraisers have helped us to build our tractor barn, add to our fencing, and convert tractors to run on solar power.

What is the Flying Pig Fund?

The Flying Pig Fund is a financial assistance program which relies on donations from HOG members each season. We award financial gifts to select applicants to help defray a portion of the cost of our vegetable share. If you are interested in donating to the fund, a check made to the HOG can be sent with “Flying Pig Fund” written in the memo. All decisions about Flying Pig Fund disbursement will be made by farmers. If you are interested in applying for assistance, simply email a letter describing your financial need and amount requested to thehogfarmllc@gmail.com

Do farmers want feedback?

Yes! We periodically have evaluations for members to give feedback. ​But don't wait for us!​ If there is something that you'd like us to know that would make the CSA work better for you, please let the farmers or a pickup coordinator know.You can also email questions or comments!  

Thank you for your membership!

Here’s to another great season at the HOG!